TaeYoung trademark office
Features of TaeYoung Trademark Office
As the first office dedicate only to trademark and design cases in Korea, we are specialized in trademark and design matters.

TaeYoung Jung, a Patent Attorney has handled domestic and overseas trademark and design matters from 1999 until the present, and all the members of
TaeYoung Trademark Office have also dedicated themselves to trademark and design matters and had enriching experiences in the field of trademark and
  • We have a deep understanding of feature of trademark cases based on a long period of practice. Our office has represented major companies in Korea and overseas where much
    trademark related work occurs. We are in charge of the domestic and foreign trademark cases of LG Corp., Nexon Korea Corporation, Netmarble Corporation, Webzen Inc.,
    OURHOME, KT&G, SHINHAN Card, CJ E&M, LOEN Entertainment, etc. In regards to LG Corp. in particular, we have dealt with domestic and international management of the
    group’s major trademarks including LUCKY, GOLDSTAR, LG, , etc.
  • In Korea, decision for registrability and infringement in trademark field varies depending on subjective factors of the examiners at the Korean Intellectual Property Office, the
    Intellectual Property Tribunal’s trial examiners, and court's judges therefore, we believe that the accumulated experiences of the patent attorney in charge of a case play a key role.
    Based on our various and extended experiences related to the trademark matters, all of our members believe that we can contribute to better protection of your trademarks in
  • In addition, for international trademark matters, it is important to understand each country’s specific trademark systems and have networks with skillful local agents in many
    countries. The members of our office deeply understand specific trademark systems in foreign countries on the basis of our extended experience and recognize the advantages and
    disadvantages of foreign agents, and thus we believe that our office can contribute to better protection of your trademarks.